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outdoor gear shop Noboribetsu

adex base is Noboribetsu's first all-season outdoor clothing and gear store.

A wide range of products from leading outdoor brands such as Fjallraven, Columbia, Helly Hansen, and Mammut, as well as adex base's original bear bells with fox logos, water bottles, and more. There are also handicrafts woven with Ainu patterns, among other curated items that evoke the spirit of Hokkaido.


Located in the rich nature of Shikotsu-Toya National Park, adex base offers variety of seasonal adventure tours unique to the Noboribetsu area. Take this opportunity to experience snowshoeing in winter and hiking on Mt.Tanumae or Mt. Muroran in summer.

Meet our guide


Born and raised in Noboribetsu.

At 15 years old, he decided to join Japanese Military.

He was a helicopter pilot during his military career.

Learned First Aid, survival skills in Summer and Winter, including Winter Mountain survival. 

Speaks both Japanese and English.

adex base bilingual guide

Adventure Partners:

adex dancing snow


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